What about those born before Krsna appeared? — Letters
What about those born before the advent of the Krsna avatara [incarnation] who never heard and never had the haziest notion of Sri Krsna or His Pastimes, etc.?
By BTG Editors on Letters
What about those born before the advent of the Krsna avatara [incarnation] who never heard and never had the haziest notion of Sri Krsna or His Pastimes, etc.?
By Madhudvisa dasa on Temples
Yes, Hong Kong ISKCON lives! Please find enclosed several photos of our activities here, just 25 miles from Red China. Things here are so amazing with just the two of us, Jagajjanani (my wife) and myself. Just today we have officially gotten our first temple here in Hong Kong.
By BTG Editors on News
At the center of the float was a sculpture of two swans swimming on a pond, and on either side, wearing colorful Indian costumes, sat devotee women and children portraying the cowherd girlfriends (gopis) of Radha and Krsna.
By Madhudvisa dasa on News
A new Hare Krsna Food for Life program in Paris is distributing one thousand meals daily, and a proposal was recently made to increase the distribution to three thousand meals to meet the high demand.
By BTG Editors on Letters
I noticed that you have Hare Krsna centers in Chile and El Salvador. Does your movement in these countries support or empathize with the struggle of the commonfolk against the murderous oppression they face?
By BTG Editors on News
This year’s Ratha-yatra festival was Bombay’s largest yet. The cart rolled through downtown Bombay for five hours, and the devotees on the cart tossed to the enthusiastic parade viewers half a million packets of food offered to Krsna.
By BTG Editors on ISKCON
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By BTG Editors on News
ISKCON inaugurated the pada-yatra to celebrate the five-hundredth anniversary of the appearance of Lord Caitanya, who is Krsna Himself appearing in the role of His own devotee to teach the congregational chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra as the prime means of God realization in this age.
By BTG Editors on Letters
Religions are much the same, it appears. The same claims seem to run through all of them: “Believe and obey, and good things will come to you. Don’t ask for proof, but accept religion on faith, for this is the only requirement of God.”
By Hayagriva dasa on Farm Communities, ~Featured~
You have New York, New England, and so many ‘New’ duplicates of European countries in the USA–why not import New Vrndavana in your country?
By BTG Editors on ~Featured~, Temples
The young children flock to the sound of the holy name and shout with clarity and volume, ‘Hare Krsna!’ The temple is packed on Sundays. Fijian girls dance joyfully to Hare Krsna. Krsna is so kind to us!
By Drutakarma dasa on ~Featured~, Temples
For San Diegans, Krsna consciousness has been a plate of the delicious spiritual vegetarian food served at the movement’s cultural festivals, nightly dinners, Sunday feasts, or two very popular Govinda’s natural foods restaurants.
By BTG Editors on News
Thousands attended Diwali celebrations here recently at the nearly-completed Sri Sri Radha-Radhanatha temple. The temple, covering more than four hilltop acres, is the joint effort of ISKCON devotees and South Africa’s Indian community.
By BTG Editors on Letters
There is no real contradiction between the message of Christianity and that of Krsna consciousness. Lord Jesus Christ preached love of God, and in the Bhagavad-gita Lord Sri Krsna preached the same thing.
By BTG Editors on Letters
I have just gone through BACK TO GODHEAD Vol. 19, No. 9, and as I went through the magazine—beginning with Srila Prabhupada’s lecture, which was No. 9. and feel compelled to congratulate you on what a fine issue it is.
By Kundali dasa on ~Featured~, Temples
The 25-million-dollar Temple of Understanding will be the main attraction in the Land of Krishna, a one-hundred-acre complex that will include sculptures, botanical gardens, art galleries, multimedia exhibits, a planetarium, and more.
By BTG Editors on News
When Typhoon Nitang devastated the Philippines in September, killing 1,500 people by a tidal wave, devotees from the local Hare Krsna Food for Life program were immediately on hand here.
By Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami on ~Featured~, Temples
Service of the Lord, especially in dressing and decorating the temple, accompanied by musical kirtana and spiritual instructions from the scriptures, can alone save the common man from the hellish cinema attractions and the rubbish sex-songs broadcast everywhere by radios.
By Madhudvisa dasa on Letters
We want to teach from the vantage point that we are not our bodies, we are spirit souls, there is a God, He has a personality, a form, and we have a relationship with Him. All this is taught along with academics. This is the foundation of a gurukula education.
By BTG Editors on News
The a pada-yatra, or “walking festival,” is traveling a four-thousand-mile pilgrimage route, passing through all the holy places Lord Caitanya visited on His South Indian tour.