From the very first, his beloved disciple Jayananda dasa engineered the huge chariots of Lord Jagannatha, the Lord of the Universe. In this photo (New York, 1976) Jayananda steers one of the many chariots he built through the years.
Prabhupada asked disciples to go to India and learn the art of making dioramas. Now they have returned and developed a fascinating multimedia presentation of Krishna consciousness: the First American Theistic Exhibition.
Just to attract us to His service, God appeared on earth more than one million years ago as Lord Ramacandra—the most benevolent ruler and valiant hero the world has ever known.
The Hare Krishna [people] are in the airports—protected by the First Amendment—and they will remain in the airports. So what do we do about it? Manage it.
Your so-called science is also belief. If you call your way science, then our way is also science. Your belief is that life comes from chemicals, but you cannot prove it. Therefore you prove yourself to be a rascal.
How in the world can you say that the Vedas don’t really disagree with modern science? First of all, modern science says the moon is closer to the earth than the sun is, whereas the Vedas clearly say that the sun is closer.
The sickness scientists and political leaders are suffering, “demon disease”—the compulsion to deny and decry the existence and superintendence of the Supreme Lord.
There are two kinds of living beings in the creation—the divine and demonic. A demon need not be a huge monster with ten heads, nor a red fiend with a pitchfork. In fact, the demons who live among us generally appear quite ordinary.
Wherever you go—India, America, and points between—you find certain people who seem to be getting less of life’s pleasures and more of its pains. What’s the solution? Increase public aid? Provide better job opportunities? Demand equal rights?
Thomas Aquinas compiled the entire Church doctrine in Summa Theologica, which constitutes the official philosophy of the Roman Catholic Church. He also systematized a good deal of Platonic and Aristotelian philosophy.
I’ve been chanting Hare Krishna for over three years, and the more I chant the more I can see that this chanting is an ever-fresh experience. By absorbing my mind in the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, I feel the spiritual strength and conviction to offer this chanting process to everyone.
The Supreme Lord once appeared as Sri Ramacandra, the ideal God conscious king. And He accomplished His mission–to establish the principles of religion and destroy demonic, irreligious influences.
I attended the first meeting in the little storefront with two of my friends. I was surprised to see half a dozen people there. The storefront was narrow and squalid. There was no rug on the wooden floors and no decorations save one painting in the window of Lord Caitanya dancing with His disciples.
Srila Prabhupada founded the art academy upon that spirit of a ‘common cause.’ We paint from a desire to understand our higher selves, our spiritual selves, and to relate to others on that higher level.
"Boatman," the scholar opened, "while you're out here have you ever thought about the relationship between total torque and crosscurrent impact?" "No, sir, I can't say that I have."
I always appreciated art that pointed in a high direction. I was looking for beautiful form, and when I started to hear about Krishna, His form was something I naturally became interested in.
Why is meditation becoming so popular these days? To answer this question, psychologist Lawrence Le Shan interviewed many meditators. To Le Shan, the comment that best summed up the meditational experience was, “It’s like coming home.”
Lata Mangeshkar, the world’s most prolific recording artist (with more than twenty thousand songs to her credit), recently went on a rare concert tour of North America.
"Why have you come here?" they asked him. "Your America is so wealthy—why have you come here?" Yes, why had twenty-five-year-old Tracy Ladd adopted an ancient Indian life-style and ventured to the Southern Indian city of Hyderabad?