Back To Godhead November 1978 PDF Download

Back To Godhead November 1978 PDF Download

The Supreme is more than just energy or light. He’s a person -the well-wishing father and friend of all living beings. What’s more, He is ever youthful. His eyes have the shape of lotus petals, His transcendental body the hue of monsoon rain clouds.

Neo-Vedic Exhibition

Neo-Vedic Exhibition

Recently gallery owners and art agents, writers, and publishers converged on the Indian consulate for the first exhibit of the Bhaktivedanta Trust Collection of paintings, photos, and sculpture.

Can Faith Be Reasonable?

Our modern society, with its emphasis on science and technology, would certainly seek to view itself as being rooted in reason rather than in faith. Faith, after all, connotes unquestioning belief and seems at variance with the “scientific method.”

Krishna The Transcendence Comes Into View

Krishna The Transcendence Comes Into View

Our dear Lord, You have appeared in Your original unalloyed form, the eternal form of goodness, for the welfare of all living entities. Taking advantage of Your appearance, all of them can now easily understand the nature and form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead

Why Krsna Comes To This World

Why Krsna Comes To This World

August 1973 at the Bhaktivedanta Manor, in the countryside near London. Several thousand guests (including the Indian High Commissioner) listen to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada speak about the day Lord Krsna made His appearance on earth.


I am very confused about the pronunciation of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. If you could properly instruct me on the correct pronunciation, I would very much appreciate that.

ISKCON Free Clinic

ISKCON Free Clinic

The Minister for Health and Family Welfare in Maharashtra state, presided at the inaugural ceremonies for ISKCONs new free clinic and dispensary, the Bhaktivedanta Institute.

The Chariot of the Body

The Chariot of the Body

Our material body is a lot like a chariot. It has five horses (the senses of hearing, touch, sight, taste, and smell). Each of us is a spiritual soul riding within-we are the passenger. And to keep the horses on course, we have the reins (our mind) and the driver (our intelligence).

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