The World of Hare Krsna Film

The World of Hare Krsna Film

the film takes us on a world tour of the activities of the devotees today: publishing, illustrating, and distributing Krsna conscious literature in Paris; congregationally chanting the names of God in London; portraying Krsna’s pastimes through art, dance, music, drama, and sculpture.

Back To Godhead May 1981 PDF Download

Back To Godhead May 1981 PDF Download

Krsna revealed Himself on earth five thousand years ago to attract conditioned souls away from the ephemeral pleasures of this material world and back to the eternal, spiritual pleasure of devotional service to Him.

The Sunday Feast

After the chanting (it usually goes for twenty minutes or so) there’s a talk on Bhagavad-gita. This is the basic book of spiritual knowledge the Hare Krsna devotees get their philosophy from.

The Sanskrit Yoga Dictionary

The Sanskrit language is rich in words to communicate ideas about spiritual life, yoga, and God realization. This dictionary will focus upon the most important of these (and, occasionally, upon relevant English terms) and explain what they mean.

Dharma—Nature, Duty, and Divine Service

Dharma—Nature, Duty, and Divine Service

Srila Prabhupada often translates dharma simply as “religion.” But he indicates that he uses this particular translation for convenience and for want of a better single English term, and he expresses dissatisfaction with a translation that could be misleading.

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