Srila Prabhupada : A Modern Saint

Srila Prabhupada : A Modern Saint

Among the hippies in San Francisco were many young people who were sincerely searching for spiritual enlightenment—and who found it when they met His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

You Don’t Need a Guru—or Do You?

You Don’t Need a Guru—or Do You?

We’d rather be in the position of teacher than that of student. Submission to a teacher implies an admission that I need instruction and guidance. And this is humbling. Most of us will submit to another person for guidance only as a last resort, when all our own wisdom has failed.

The Search for Self-fulfillment

Since everyone, no matter how he chooses to define the self, is interested in self-fulfillment, it is of paramount importance to know what the self is. Generally our concepts of the self are vague and speculative; so we often feel unfulfilled, even after attaining our goals.

The Yoga Dictionary

The Sanskrit language is rich in words to communicate ideas about spiritual life, yoga, and God realization. This dictionary, appearing by installments in Back to Godhead, will focus upon the most important of these words.

Hare Krsna Among the Eskimos

Hare Krsna Among the Eskimos

Two women recently traveled 850 miles from Edmonton to this lonely outpost in Canada’s Northwest Territories to spread the message of Krsna consciousness.

Transcending the Laws of Karma

Karma is the law of cause and effect: there is a reaction for everything we do. If we throw a coin up, it will come down. If we regularly put money in the bank, our wealth will accumulate. If we drink too much, we’ll get drunk. These are natural laws of cause and effect.

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