On Rabbi Kushner’s book again… – Letters


We welcome your letters. Write to
51 West Allens Lane
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19119

After reading Ravindra-svarupa dasa’s article on Rabbi Kushner’s book Why Bad Things Happen to Good People, one really begins to wonder how someone who’s supposed to have some religious responsibility to others can get away with ideas like those put forth in his book. There are many people in the world who have some awesome disabilities but still manage to rise above it all and be productive even in the strict material sense. How much more successful one’s life can be when dovetailed to the Lord’s service.

The idea that God (Krsna) is limited is just one big rationalization for man’s greed, selfishness, and overall propensity for sense gratification. which he can blame on no one but himself. If we could really learn and understand the laws of karma and the science of self-realization as expounded by Srila Prabhupada and the ISKCON devotees, then there would not have to be a Beirut, a Belfast, etc., and everyone’s karma would be a whole lot better.

Hugo R. Del Bove
Nutley, New Jersey

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“The Freedom to Make Up Your Own Mind,” which appeared in your November issue, is timely, informative, and challenging.

As a professor researching about the harmful effects of brainwashing and forced deprogramming, I can very well understand the agony, humiliation, and mental anguish of the victims of deprogramming.

The Hare Krishna movement is based on an ancient thought system which is very deep, enriching, and transcendental. It is illuminating, tolerant, all-inclusive, rational, scientific, and penetrating. If people want to experience it, enjoy it, and transform their lives to the highest level, why deny them the opportunity?

Closed-mindedness, rigidity, deprogramming, and coercion are not the answers to the complex social dilemmas we are facing. What we need is openness, tolerance, dialogue, and understanding of the beliefs and attitudes of other people.

M.A. Suseelan
Associate Professor
Marywood College
Scranton, Pennsylvania

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I have been a profound reader of BACK TO GODHEAD for the last three years and just cannot explain the pleasure it gives me. I must thank you for giving us this superb publication, which really has changed my life as well as my husband’s.

I have been reading Bhagavad-gita As It Is in Gujarati, by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, and I have come across a portion in which he says that yajna is necessary for human purification and that it is best done by sankirtana-yajna. Please explain what is sankirtana-yajna, how one should engage in these activities, and also who is the right person who performs this. We have been living in Zambia for the last 30 years and have an utmost desire to introduce the Hare Krishna movement in this country, for the people and for ourselves.

Pushpaban Patel
Kitwe, Zambia

OUR REPLY: The word yajna means “a sacrifice to please the Supreme Lord.” Sankirtana refers to chanting about and glorifying the Lord. And the best way to perform the sankirtana-yajna is simply to chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. The best persons from whom to learn this chanting are the devotees of the Hare Krsna movement. And because you sincerely desire to spread the Hare Krsna movement, the best person in Zambia to perform this chanting is you. (We’re also sending a copy of your letter to our devotees who travel in Africa, so that perhaps they’ll come to Zambia and encourage you.) Thank you for your kind letter.

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Hare Krsna! I have only read a few issues of BACK TO GODHEAD magazine, but what I have read has been wonderful. Your articles are interesting, informative, and highly understandable. When I read about Kim Perrine and her “deprogramming” horror, I was shocked! That someone would try to “cure” their son or daughter from a happy and productive life is horrible. Aren’t their any laws against kidnapping an adult?

Cassandra Roberts
Brooklyn, New York

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