Children at Hare Krsna schools around the world learn the glories of the Supreme Lord along with all regular academic subjects. These girls at the Krsna school near Valencay, France, enjoy a jaunt through the school gardens.
Lord Krsna says nobody knows Him. Even the demigods on higher planets, who are more intelligent and more advanced than human beings, do not know Krsna. Nor do the seven great sages whose planet is near the polestar. They also do not know Him.
Sri Krsna looks as if he’s been protecting cows all his life. Like many a red-blooded American, though, he grew up hunting animals and eating “beef.” Just before he became Krsna’s devotee, he even took part in killing a cow.
When Lord Maha-Visnu, a plenary expansion of Lord Krsna, exhales, innumerable universes emanate from Him. Within each of these universes Maha-Visnu expands Himself as Garbhodakasayi Visnu and lies down on the water that fills half of each universal shell.
That the punctuated equilibrium theory has gained so much popularity among sociobiologists indicates just how unconvincing and inconclusive the evidence is for the traditional evolutionary belief. Neither theory can explain the gaps in the fossil record; therefore, both lack credibility.
That is rascaldom. Where is the accident? Nothing is accidental. Everything happens by cause and effect. The Bible says that in the beginning there was God, or the word of God. So God was there.
The 320-page report, prepared over the last four years by the Dutch Parliament Committee on New Religious Movements, had many favorable things to say about the Hare Krsna movement.
My sister called and told me, “Dad has cancer, and the doctors say he has, at most, six months to live.” I was shocked. It was totally unexpected, as he was only sixty and quite fit for his age.
Devotees seem to be antiscientific. Two articles in the July issue (“Srila Prabhupada Speaks Out” and “Science or Skullduggery?”) are critical of the theory of evolution.
This month, I’d like to discuss three-basic ways of cooking vegetables. As you become thoroughly conversant with these three basic methods and as you observe how each method affects the ingredients you will learn how to vary the final taste, texture, and appearance of the dish.
I’ve known for a long time that public schools are having serious problems. But my research revealed a situation far more criticial than I had imagined. Most of the information I found painted a dismal picture.
Many conflicts around the world are being billed as “religious wars.” Fighting between the Sikhs and Hindus in India, Christians and Moslems in Beirut, Moslem sects of Iran and Iraq, and Protestants and Catholics of Northern Ireland—all seem to have roots in religious conflict.