Back To Godhead October 1982 PDF Download
Besides what public school kids learn-English, arithmetic, history, geography- the students at the Hare Krsna school also learn Sanskrit, the Bhagavad·gita, and the science of Krsna consciousness.
Besides what public school kids learn-English, arithmetic, history, geography- the students at the Hare Krsna school also learn Sanskrit, the Bhagavad·gita, and the science of Krsna consciousness.
The Vedas describe how great an artist Krsna is. Nobody can be found who is greater than the Supreme Personality of Godhead or equal to Him, and although He is the greatest artist, He doesn’t have to do anything personally.
Considering these different viewpoints, how should traumatized herpes victims be counseled? Are they being punished by an omnipotent God? Are they random victims of forces of nature beyond the control of a well-meaning but limited God?
“People have the right to believe in whatever they wish, and such freedom exists only in countries which uphold the ideal of separation of church and state.”
Complained one young worker in a recent letter to Time: “First they sent us to Vietnam. Now they want $3,000 a year [from me] in Social Security taxes to finance their Winnebagos and European vacations.”
“We learn everything they learn—like English, arithmetic, history, and geography—but we also learn Sanskrit, the Bhagavad-gita, and how to know Krsna. So our education will get us out of the cycle of birth and death, but theirs will keep them in it.”
Suppose I ask the United Nations to explain the purpose of this cosmic manifestation. I am created a man, another is created an elephant, and another is created an ant. Why? The sun is rising on time, the moon is rising on time, seasons are changing. What is the purpose behind this?
Last summer, thousands of tourists sightseeing in the center of this city may have been more than a little surprised to see a forty-foot-high, gaily decorated chariot being pulled around a corner onto Park Lane by scores of chanting and dancing Hare Krsna devotees.
The typical Vedic lunch consists of capatis (unleavened whole-wheat breads) rice, dal (bean soup), cooked vegetables, and salad. “The best health insurance of all seems to be a well-chosen vegetarian diet from varied sources and a life free of junk foods,”
The law of karma is as strict, relentless, and impartial as the grosser natural laws of motion and gravity. For example, if I eat the flesh of animals even though I can live as well without it, my bad karma will force me to be born as an animal and to be slaughtered myself.
My landlord is a descendant of the Rothschilds, that complex genealogy of European aristocrats who have been accused of everything short of cannibalism, including the takeover of the world by manipulation of their vast fortunes.
The Sanskrit language is rich in words to communicate ideas about spiritual life, yoga, and God realization. This dictionary, appearing by installments in BACK TO GODHEAD, focuses upon the most important of these words.
Unemployment. Inflation. Recession. High interest rates. Mounting personal, national, and international debt. Depression. The litany of economic woes pours from television, radio, and printed page, and no one can seem to explain them, much less do anything about them.