Abortion’s Trial—And Error

Abortion’s Trial—And Error

Even most pro-abortionists would agree that, biologically speaking, life begins at conception, when the sperm mixes with the ovum in one of the fallopian tubes. But the abortion debate hinges on the question not of when life begins but of when human life begins.

Churning Butter by Hand

Churning Butter by Hand

She pulls on the end of a rope wound around a wooden paddle, and the rotating paddle churns the cream. Soon the cream expands and thickens into whipped cream. Her hair loosening, the woman keeps working the rope to and fro.

Devotion and Rationalism

Truth cannot be realized by unremitting study of the Scriptures, by passing examinations, testing scholarly knowledge, by dint of intellectual power, or by outwitting unsophisticated folk in verbal jugglery by enmeshing them in the cobweb of sophistry.

A Study in Mysticism

A Study in Mysticism

What is ego? I am pure soul, but with my intelligence and mind I am in contact with matter, and I have identified myself with matter—and this is false ego. I am pure soul, but I am identifying falsely.

Paradise: An Endless Love

Paradise: An Endless Love

What do we do in paradise? What makes it such a desirable place to be? The dominant image of the kingdom of God I retained from childhood is of a sort of perpetual suburban Saturday spent on the back patio in an interminable family reunion with pious resurrected relatives.

Behind The Facade Of Health Care

Behind The Facade Of Health Care

From the Bhagavad-gita we learn that no matter how much or how little we spend for health care, we’re guaranteed to suffer the miseries of birth, old age, disease, and death.

The Pleasure Principle

Pleasure can be described as that condition where sense desire is fulfilled, and misery as one where it is not. It logically follows, then, that the highest state of pleasure is where the senses can be fully satisfied all the time.

The Youth Market

We have young creative people who have become “leaders” and who believe in their own rights and abilities to lead. Yet when expressing themselves, it is seen that few if any of our musical idols have anything of importance to say.

Drugs and Ecstasy

Drugs and Ecstasy

Nature produces chemicals which are capable of altering man’s consciousness. The average American adult consumes three to five of these mind-altering drugs in the course of each day, and they therefore play an important part in determining the structure of contemporary society.