“BACK TO GODHEAD” — The Purpose of the Magazine

My duty will be simply to repeat in the “BACK TO GODHEAD” just like an interpreter what I have heard from and what I have been ordered to deliver by my great spiritual master H.D.G. Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupada. Nothing will be manufactured by me by my mental concoction. Such words will descend as Sound Transcendental and when they are given proper serving reception by the aural channel, surely they will act like medicine to carry all back to home and “BACK TO GODHEAD.”

Tantra – Can Sex Be Yoga?

Tantra – Can Sex Be Yoga?

by Acyutananda Svami Ever since Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha first captured the fancy of Westerners, it has indeed caused a wave of thought and action, especially among young people. Though the book says nothing new, it seems to offer the best of both worlds. In essence, it promises that one can indulge his senses to the […]

Protect the Cows

Protect the Cows

A look at the worldwide activities of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) Guru to Islanders: Protect the Cows On a recent journey to the South Pacific, His Holiness Tamala Krsna Gosvami (one of ISKCON’s eleven initiating spiritual masters) visited the island nation of New Zealand. While there he met with the mayor of […]

Our Sense of Wonder — Gone Under

“Alienation,” social scientists say, is our inability to relate meaningfully to others, to nature, and to ourselves. Alienation is growing at an alarming and unprecedented rate. This trend appears to result from a radically different life view imposed upon the past few generations.

Simple Living, High Thinking

Simple Living, High Thinking

Paradoxically, the materially advanced nations are just as frustrated as the developing nations, if not more so. Where materialism has produced the greatest wealth the people suffer from the most psychological distress and crime rates.

Three Examples of Perfect Leadership

Three Examples of Perfect Leadership

Maharaja Prthu considered it his primary duty to enlighten the citizens with spiritual knowledge. Any leader who simply exacts taxes, but does not inform the people of the mission of human life is thoroughly condemned.