The year of a United States presidential election always brings intense campaigning and debating, out of which we are supposed to choose our favorite candidate. But for many of us, election time also raises the question of whether a real choice exists.
A Krsna conscious analysis of terrorism shows sectarianism to be the common denominator of the widely varied terrorist groups. Ignorant sectarianism, churned into hate by people already accustomed to violence, produces terrorism.
The United States has enough surplus wheat to provide more than two tons of cereal and baked goods for every American family and enough surplus cheese, butter, and powdered milk to put forty pounds of dairy products in every kitchen in the country.
Can an elephant feel sorrow? Do butterflies have worries or aspirations? Can you embarrass a squirrel, or a tiger, or a whale? What do animals think about?
For a growing number of people on both sides of the Atlantic, the nuclear arms buildup is the issue of the eighties. Events just won’t let us forget our seemingly inexorable march toward Armageddon.
Ordinary people are after the happiness of sense enjoyment. The seekers of knowledge are after the happiness that comes from negating sense enjoyment. But real enjoyment is the happiness of devotional service to Krsna.
The ancient Vedic literatures offer serious solutions to human hatred. The history of the great saintly king Dhruva Maharaja gives an instance of how one man overcame a revengeful anger that threatened to annihilate an entire race.
Life is dreary, dull, joyless. Those who count for anything in society—the employees of the State—live under constant surveillance. A careless remark, a few sentences of despair can cost a citizen his sanity in the dungeons of the Thought Police.
If we have to believe the authority of Bhagwat Geeta, we must then admit that corruption of womenfolk in social life is the strongest stumbling block on the progressive march of social welfare work.
There are a number of pretentious religious faiths which pass on by that name but actually there is nothing in essence which can be accepted as real religion.
The powerful tyrant, Kamsa, was as vile as they come. After usurping the throne from his father and killing and imprisoning many of his own relatives, he turned on his chief rival, Lord Krsna.
Kali’s spirit of quarrel and hypocrisy pervades even religion and gives God a bad name. Church picnics, hayrides, and bingo parties introduce many of us to drinking, sex, and gambling, Kali confirms us as meat-eaters by serving us the flesh of cows.
Where we speak of universal brotherhood it must comprehend all brothers and not such brothers and allies as are accepted by the politician who have always some design of self-interest.
No. Providence is not responsible for the sufferings of humanity. The suffering of humanity is the result of its misuse of discriminative power or the little independence which is given to the individual soul.
We met the other day the founder of one human welfare society and we have been pleased to see the plan. And we suggested a little more improvement on it by the method of keeping all the items of plans etc. in touch with the plannings of Bhagwat Geeta.
Godless leaders do pose themselves as very much thoughtful but the range of such thoughts cannot transcend the limits of sense gratification. Such attitude of thoughtfulness in an immeasurable way-cannot help them solving the problems of life.
In the relative truth everything can be known within the purview of time, space and thought but in the realm of the Absolute no such method of scientific thought can work. The Absolute Truth can therefore be known by the transcendental method of thinking.
In this material world everyone is attracted by sex. This is a fact. The happiness—the so-called happiness—of household life begins from sexual intercourse.
What does our father who art in heaven look like? On the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel there’s Michelangelo’s painting of God as an old man creating Adam, who, by the way, looks healthier and more handsome than God.