Can Faith Be Reasonable?

Our modern society, with its emphasis on science and technology, would certainly seek to view itself as being rooted in reason rather than in faith. Faith, after all, connotes unquestioning belief and seems at variance with the “scientific method.”

Faith Healer, Heal Thyself — Notes from the Editor

In recent years thousands of religious figures have taken up faith healing. They use all kinds of approaches, but basically they claim that through their charismatic prayer and laying on of hands, God acts: He cures everything from cavities to brain tumors, releases sexual inhibitions, and even increases earning capacity.

Proposition 13 Jitters — The Vedic Observer

After California voters passed Proposition 13 and cut back state property taxes by seven billion dollars, the Los Angeles county government responded to the taxpayers’ revolt by announcing plans to reduce spending on public services like libraries and schools.

“Modern Civilization is Based on a Mistake”

“Modern Civilization is Based on a Mistake”

In this talk given in Miami, His Holiness Hrdayananda dasa Goswami Exposes the cause of today’s chaos. Last night I was invited to speak on a radio program, the Alan Burke Show. Some other people also spoke, but they were simply presenting some useless idea of God. That is the actual situation at the present […]

Human Suffering and an Unjust God — Srila Prabhupada Speaks Out

On “Human Suffering and an Unjust God” This conversation between His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and social worker Ashoka Chugani took place in Bombay, India. Mr. Chugani: I feel that your Krsna consciousness movement is doing very valuable work here in India. Perhaps you know of our success, also. We are making arrangements […]

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