London ISKCON Yatra 1969

In January 1969 the sound of HARE KRISHNA vibrated across Britain’s “Today” program on Thames television as millions of viewers throughout the country began to fall in love with the holy sound of HARE KRISHNA.
By BTG Editors on News
In January 1969 the sound of HARE KRISHNA vibrated across Britain’s “Today” program on Thames television as millions of viewers throughout the country began to fall in love with the holy sound of HARE KRISHNA.
By Subala dasa Swami on Book Reviews
The Bhagavad Gita, also known as the Geetopanishad, was first spoken by Lord Sri Krishna to His disciple Arjuna some five thousand years ago, just prior to the great Battle of Kurukshetra. This teaching, then, is in the form of a dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna.
By BTG Editors on Temples
Attend Bhakti Yoga and mantra meditation classes, lectures on The Bhagavad Gita and related Vedic literature, chanting the Hare Krishna Mantra—every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (or write for details) at any one of the following Krishna Consciousness Temples.
By BTG Editors on News
Lora Logic, the English punk-rock singer and saxophonist, is now a full-time devotee in the Hare Krsna movement.
By BTG Editors on Letters
I am a bit sad to hear how Srila Prabhupada and many of his disciples say that modern scientists are atheistic fools. I myself am a scientist and have studied seismology, plate tectonics, volcanism, etc., but I don’t think that this has made me atheistic.
By Hayagriva dasa on Farm Communities
New Vrindaban, united in Krishna Consciousness, is now taking shape under the guidance of Srila Prabhupada. The hills of West Virginia are vibrating with the Hare Krishna Mantra, and it is certain that the forests, fields and mountains have entered the spiritual sky of Vaikuntha.
By BTG Editors on Letters
I went to a rock ‘n roll dance in London. I knew that the advertised “Radha Krishna Temple” was 6 devotees from the Temple in San Francisco. I saw the devotees chanting HARE KRISHNA! I joined them. It felt good afterwards.
By BTG Editors on Book Reviews
The most ancient of Indias famed Upanishads speaks with surprising relevance to the problems of technological man in this new and important translation. The author is the most distinguished teacher of Vedic religion and thought.
By Nayana Bhiram dasa on Book Reviews
One of the best-known Jewish thinkers is Martin Buber. Called a poet, mystic and existentialist, the professor has written a number of appreciations of Hasidism, a mystical Jewish folk movement begun in 18th century Europe.
By Madhyama-devi-dasi on ~Featured~, Temples
Detroit’s Grand New Showplace Of Krsna Culture. At the famous Lawrence P. Fisher Mansion, Indian spirituality and American ingenuity unite for the glorification of Lord Krsna.
By BTG Editors on Letters
I studied electricity. By the time I was finished, I felt I was very much in contact with a phenomenon that lacked sensible understanding. I mean, what really is a volt, an amp, an ohm?
By BTG Editors on News
Former Beatle George Harrison, an old friend of the Hare Krsna movement, recently paid his first visit to the ISKCON center at this holy place of pilgrimage. George took part fully in the temple programs and toured the garden-filled grounds.
By BTG Editors on News
“I am overwhelmed,” said Senator Charles Mathias (R-Md.) recently upon receiving the Srimad-Bhagavatam from ISKCON life member Dr. Vibhakara Mody.
By BTG Editors on Letters
Since we are part and parcel of the Divine, we must have been in the divine, eternal, spiritual world at one time. Also, in the Bhagavad-gita Lord Krishna proclaims, “Those who come to My supreme abode will never return to the material world.” So why did we come to this material world?
By Suresvara dasa on ~Featured~, Farm Communities
The Pennsylvania Dairymen’s Association honored the Hare Krsna farm in Port Royal for having the best herd of Brown Swiss cows in the state.
By Madhudvisa dasa on News
You can have BACK TO GODHEAD delivered to your home by mail every month. To take advantage of our special reduced-rate offer—and get a FREE GIFT besides—just fill out the attached postage-free card and drop it in the mail today.
By Madhudvisa dasa on Letters
Your Holiness is the head of a great religious sect, I think we should meet together and chalk out a program for cooperation. Human society cannot any longer be allowed to continue a Godless civilization.
By BTG Editors on Book Reviews
Hoffer’s favorite adjective for the villains of his piece is “frustrated”—the assumption being they aren’t strong enough to face themselves and make a go of it in the world, so in their weakness they are driven to chasing illusions.
By Dravida dasa on Farm Communities
Russell Bliss sprayed oil mixed with dioxin on dusty horse arenas, dirt roads, and farms at twenty-two sites in Missouri. His purpose was twofold: to control the dust and to get rid of the dioxin, a waste product that a defunct hexachlorophene plant had paid him to dispose of.
By BTG Editors on Letters
I visited the temple. They had kirtana going and within a matter of minutes my heart swelled with ecstasy and tears rolled down my cheeks. That was a turning point in my life. I felt so guilty for my wrong impression of them.