Letters: On Materialism and Detachment

Your society recently acquired a twelve-story temple building near Columbus Circle in New York City. Isn’t using a facility like this somewhat hypocritical for an organization that professes detachment from material things?

ISKCON News — Srila Prabhupada on Tour

ISKCON News — Srila Prabhupada on Tour

A recent tour of Africa took Srila Prabhupada through East and South Africa, and to the island state of Mauritius, six hundred miles off the coast of Madagascar. There he spoke with many people.

Letters: What about other Gurus?

I can understand the importance you place on the exalted science of bhakti-yoga and on receiving knowledge through an unbroken chain of spiritual masters, but is there no room for other methods, other religions and other gurus?

Gurukul: Spiritual Education

Gurukul: Spiritual Education

Gurukul students will be the best educated children in society. Not only will they have knowledge of math and English and history, but they’ll also know their relationship with God. They won’t need material things to keep them happy. They’ll be very strong.

Letters: Why are woman considered inferior?

Why are women designated as inferior? If she wishes, a woman can be an author, a scientist, or a theologian. I fail to see how this kind of discrimination can occur in a text of such high, holy wisdom. Can you explain it to me?

Letters — Bhagavad Gita and Violence

Today’s wars are brought about by the political desires of the leaders. An ordinary leader cannot kill and claim he has God’s sanction. However, in the Gita Krishna is personally instructing Arjuna to kill.

Farm Report

Farm Report

Every day each family puts their supply of milk into one big pot with a fire under it and takes out as much as they need for drinking and cooking that day. At night, whatever milk is left is converted into yogurt,

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