An Address of Welcome in Vrindavana

An Address of Welcome in Vrindavana

We take it for granted that you are one of us in Vrndavana. We are sure that wherever you travel you must carry with you the impression of Sri Vrndavana-dhama. In other words, the culture, religion, philosophy and transcendental existence of Sri Vrndavana-dhama travel with you.

Beyond the Tao of Physics

Beyond the Tao of Physics

Capra’s understanding of the most popular texts on Vedic mysticism, the Bhagavad-gita and the Upanisads, differs markedly from the Krsna conscious understanding. This revelation has led me into some lengthy discussions with a few of Capra’s readers.

Pickles to Relish

Pickles to Relish

For centuries, people throughout the world have known that extremely salty, acidic, or sweet foods don’t spoil. And for centuries people have employed various techniques to preserve, or pickle, their foods.

Condolences for Jayananda Prabhu

Condolences for Jayananda Prabhu

Four days after his thirty-eighth birthday, Srila Prabhupada’s very dear disciple Jayananda dasa passed away in his quarters at the Los Angeles Temple complex (New Dvaraka). For the last few months his body had been ravaged by leukemia.

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