Meat-eating is bad for many reasons. For health reasons: “The inherent cholesterol, toxins, uric acid, high bacteria count, general indigestibility, and lack of fiber in the flesh of an animal whose life was aborted in turn shortens the life of the carnivore”
“The Hare Krsnas have a holier-than-thou attitude,” some people say. And whenever I hear that kind of talk, I start to reflect on why someone would think that.
The Sanskrit language is rich in words to communicate ideas about spiritual life, yoga, and God realization. This dictionary, appearing by installments in BACK TO GODHEAD, focuses upon the most important of these words.
One can extricate himself from the bonds of material life by hearing and chanting transcendental sounds. The common, unenlightened person is in a sleeplike state, oblivious of his real nature as a spiritual being and of his relationship to the Supreme Being.
One important step in the process of becoming God conscious is to make your home God’s home. Instead of going to visit Him only once a week, invite Him into your home through the process of a home altar.
Now Bhaktisiddhanta dasa has no time for the meaningless art of the commercialized West. From his headquarters in Mayapur, he oversees teams of sculptors, painters, and craftsmen as they erect a 160-foot-high memorial to Srila Prabhupada.
As a sleeping person acts according to the body manifested in his and accepts it to be himself, so one identifies with his present body, which he acquired because of his past religious or irreligious actions, and is unable to know his past or future lives.
The language hypnotized me, to say the least, and I couldn’t put the book down. After about two days of reading, I began to feel out of place around my friends. My only thoughts were of those books and that author. I knew that it was time for me to leave Oregon.
The simple and tasteful way to translate your eating into spiritual bliss, according to the teachings of the great sages of India. This is the Vedic method of conducting the ordinary affairs of life in transcendental consciousness.
We are servants sitting in the court of the Supreme. We are here! Jagganath is worshippable Krishna—and we are here! All Glories to Jagganath’s kindness! All Glories to our Spiritual Master, whose mercy has placed us at Your Lotus Feet, liberated and joyful!
Four days after his thirty-eighth birthday, Srila Prabhupada’s very dear disciple Jayananda dasa passed away in his quarters at the Los Angeles Temple complex (New Dvaraka). For the last few months his body had been ravaged by leukemia.