Why has ISKCON placed its main academy in Vrindavan, India? Instructor Rupa Vilasa dasa says. “Vrindavan is the land where Lord Krishna displayed His most attractive pastimes. Often, as shown here, child Krishna delighted the townspeople by stealing and eating their butter.) Most of our boys have been hearing about Krishna since they were three or four years old. So now that they’ve come to Vrindavan, they can see the very things they’ve heard about: the Yamuna River, the groves, the cows and peacocks. In fact, for a devotee, Krishna and I he spiritual world actually become manifest in Vrindavan.” To put it simply, Vrindavan is the best place in the world for learning how to love God–and learning how to love God is the real business of life.

Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
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