Evolution: Puncturing The “Jerk Theory”

Evolution: Puncturing The “Jerk Theory”

That the punctuated equilibrium theory has gained so much popularity among sociobiologists indicates just how unconvincing and inconclusive the evidence is for the traditional evolutionary belief. Neither theory can explain the gaps in the fossil record; therefore, both lack credibility.

Back To Godhead September 1984 PDF Download

Back To Godhead September 1984 PDF Download

Children at Hare Krsna schools around the world learn the glories of the Supreme Lord along with all regular academic subjects. These girls at the Krsna school near Valencay, France, enjoy a jaunt through the school gardens.

Instructions by Vidura

Vidura was filled with compassion by remembering the continual sufferings caused by Dhrtarastra to the Pandava brothers and their mother, Kunti. But at the same time, he was a great court philosopher and a true friend to Dhrtarastra.

Transcendental Wedding

Transcendental Wedding

A Krsna conscious wedding is performed according to a procedure thousands of years old. The marriage is sanctioned by the spiritual master, vows are taken in the temple, before the Deities and the couple vows there will be no separation or divorce.

Lord Caitanya Festival

Lord Caitanya Festival

Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the golden avatara, appeared on the streets Berkeley, California. Lord Caitanya, who is Krsna Himself, appeared just to please His devotees and to attract the minds of all living entities who are suffering from the pangs of material entanglement.

Karma-yoga—Perfection through Action, Part 3

Karma-yoga—Perfection through Action, Part 3

As Chapter Three opens, it is clear that Arjuna has not understood that the path of knowledge and the path of devotional service are ultimately the same because the goal is the same, but also he has not understood the difference between action with fruitive results and inaction, or action without fruitive results.

Back to Godhead Vol 35, 1970 PDF Download

Back to Godhead Vol 35, 1970 PDF Download

Going beyond the reverent worship of God as the almighty controller, the pure devotees of Godhead exchange intimate love with the Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna in His eternal loving pastimes in Krsnaloka.

Existentialism — The Hidden God

Existentialism — The Hidden God

In recent years there have been many philosophies based around the premise of the nonexistence of God. One such philosophy, existentialism, which emerged in a shattered France during World War II, maintains that the universe is purposeless and that there is no supreme controller.

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