Back To Godhead August 1985 PDF Download

Back To Godhead August 1985 PDF Download

Although Lord Krsna is the original person and the oldest of all. He is always in the fresh bloom of youth, enjoying affectionate dealings with His devotees, whom He attracts with His unparalleled beauty and enchanting personality.

Beyond the Tao of Physics

Beyond the Tao of Physics

Capra’s understanding of the most popular texts on Vedic mysticism, the Bhagavad-gita and the Upanisads, differs markedly from the Krsna conscious understanding. This revelation has led me into some lengthy discussions with a few of Capra’s readers.

Pickles to Relish

Pickles to Relish

For centuries, people throughout the world have known that extremely salty, acidic, or sweet foods don’t spoil. And for centuries people have employed various techniques to preserve, or pickle, their foods.

The Passing of Grandfather Bhisma

The Passing of Grandfather Bhisma

Grandfather Bhisma was lying at the point of death on a bed of arrows which had been shot through his body. Because he was the most famous warrior of his time and an expert yogi, all the great men of the universe went to the Battlefield of Kuruksetra where he lay dying.

Chant (Part 2 – 4 Poem about Lord Jagannatha)

Chant (Part 2 – 4 Poem about Lord Jagannatha)

This second part is addressed to Jagannatha Svami (literally, “Lord of the Universe”), the Supreme Lord Krsna as He specifically appears in the Deity manifestation carved hundreds of years ago by Visvakarma, the sculptor incarnation.

KRSNA In The Land Of Mandarins (Hong Kong)

KRSNA In The Land Of Mandarins (Hong Kong)

Yes, Hong Kong ISKCON lives! Please find enclosed several photos of our activities here, just 25 miles from Red China. Things here are so amazing with just the two of us, Jagajjanani (my wife) and myself. Just today we have officially gotten our first temple here in Hong Kong.

Back to Godhead Vol 44, 1970-1973 PDF Download

Back to Godhead Vol 44, 1970-1973 PDF Download

Back to Godhead is the monthly journal of ISKCON. It was founded in 1944 by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada is a pure devotee of Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore there is no other topic in Back to Godhead except Krsna.

Festivals of India Come West

Festivals of India Come West

The festival shows how Vedic concepts and the Vedic lifestyle are, ever relevant in guiding human society and in fulfilling man’s quest for timeless knowledge. The festival is always “a surprise,” both visually and culturally.

ISKCON Float Wins a Top Prize in Melbourne Parade

ISKCON Float Wins a Top Prize in Melbourne Parade

At the center of the float was a sculpture of two swans swimming on a pond, and on either side, wearing colorful Indian costumes, sat devotee women and children portraying the cowherd girlfriends (gopis) of Radha and Krsna.

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