Time Will Tell


An homage to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, in honor of his appearance anniversary, September 1, 1982.

by Srila Bhagavan Dasa Goswami


Time will tell the world
that never has there been
and never will there be
One who gave as much as you
To set all jivas free.

Time will carve your image
in the hearts of generations;
it was you who gave the answers
How to free ourselves from death
As the Lord’s eternal dancers.

Time will bring your writings
to the hands of all mankind
by those who understand your heart,
As always you are next to them
Whose service does not part.

Time will tell the story
of who has taken up
the mace which you have left
To spread Caitanya’s holy name
And repay to you our debt.

Time will tell it clearly
who has kept you in their heart;
although your orders clear to find,
Time will tell why they fell
And who was left behind.

Time will give the world
that blessing of our masters,
a city on Gauranga’s land,
Our gift to you within our life
Through you we understand.

Krsna in His form of time
reveals you to the world
that none has given love so free.
Prabhupada remains in sound
For all eternity.

Time will tell the world
that never has there been
and never will there be
One who gave as much as you
To set all
jivas free.

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