Back To Godhead September 1981 PDF Download

It was the spring of 1967 in Golden Gate Park , San Francisco. Thousands of young people had begun pouring into the city, searching for some sort of alternative to the life from which they had come.
It was the spring of 1967 in Golden Gate Park , San Francisco. Thousands of young people had begun pouring into the city, searching for some sort of alternative to the life from which they had come.
The perfect socio-religious system is explained by Lord Krsna in Bhagavad-gita. (This system differs from the prejudicial system of caste by birth.)
If TWA were selling tickets for a flight to a newly discovered planet where no one grew old, no one suffered disease, and no one ever died, who wouldn’t want to purchase a ticket to go there, at any cost?
We’d rather be in the position of teacher than that of student. Submission to a teacher implies an admission that I need instruction and guidance. And this is humbling. Most of us will submit to another person for guidance only as a last resort, when all our own wisdom has failed.
Srila Prabhupada had come to San Francisco as the hippie movement was reaching its height. He found his small temple on Frederick Street, in the heart of the Haight-Ashbury district was becoming a spiritual haven for troubled, searching, and sometimes desperate young people.
Among the hippies in San Francisco were many young people who were sincerely searching for spiritual enlightenment—and who found it when they met His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
“Krishna consciousness is close to 100% successful in stopping drug use among those who voluntarily enter the program”—Addictions Magazine, Washington, D.C, Area Council on Alchoholism & Drug Abuse, Inc.
Once again, your latest edition of BACK TO GODHEAD was a smasher. I read it through with tear-filled eyes. Especially, the article “Impressions of India” was a most moving and accurate account of “Indian” attitudes toward life.
Hare Krishna is now a dictionary word: “Hare Krishna. A religious sect based on Vedic scriptures, whose followers engage in joyful congregational chanting of God’s name: founded in the U.S. in 1966.”
The Sanskrit language is rich in words to communicate ideas about spiritual life, yoga and God realization. This dictionary, appearing by installments in BACK TO GODHEAD, will focus upon the most important of these words.
The prevailing view among modern scientists is that a human being is in essence a complex machine. According to this view, our life and consciousness have their source in the interactions of our bodily parts—neurons in the brain, organelles in the cells, and so on.
ISKCON Television shot a video of Lord Rama’s pastimes. Under the direction of Nrsimhananda dasa ITV staged an all-devotee Ramayana at the Hare Krsna movement’s New Vrindaban farm community in West Virginia.
Is there life after death? If so, what is the nature of that life? These questions have always been with us, and the search for their answers is an intrinsic function of the human psyche.