Back To Godhead September 1979 PDF Download

Godhead means the source of everything, and this journal is meant 10 assist readers in cultivating practical, scientific realization of Godhead.
By BTG Editors on PDF
Godhead means the source of everything, and this journal is meant 10 assist readers in cultivating practical, scientific realization of Godhead.
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Vegetarianism, ~Featured~
Yes. For meat-eaters, that is what the Vedic culture recommends: “Eat dogs.” As in Korea they are eating dogs, so you also can eat dogs. But don’t eat cows until after they have died a natural death.
By Jayadvaita dasa on Reincarnation, ~Featured~
The word karma literally means “action,” yet it also carries the import of “fate” or “destiny.” This is entirely reasonable, for it is our actions that determine our fate.
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Sex
We give equal roles spiritually. Materially, one person is an assistant, another person is a manager. How can you avoid this?
By Hamsaduta dasa on Society
Everywhere the leaders have become deviated. They don’t follow their own principles, their own disciplines. So naturally the young people reject them.
By BTG Editors on News
For several years now, actors and critics alike have been paying regular visits to the Hare Krishna Building to take in performances by Govinda’s American Theater Ensemble (G.AT E.). The special attraction of late has been the Ramayana.
By Harikesa dasa on Society
The human family might ask, “Are we actually making our rent payments for all that is being supplied to us, or are we facing eviction?” Perhaps each one of us ought to examine our situation, while we still have time….
By Jagajivana dasa on Sex
“There’s a difficulty in homosexuality, as soon as it goes into a personal relationship, there’s a raging contradiction. You’ve got two proud roosters or two hens—and sometimes one of the roosters is forced to play a hen, or one of the hens is forced to play a rooster. It’s edgy.”
By Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami on Prabhupada Memories
The dingy loft, its rafters unpainted, was more like an old warehouse than a temple. The members of his audience, most of them musicians, had come to meditate on the mystical sounds of the Swami’s kirtana, his chanting.
By Diane Sautter on How I came to Krishna
Early one evening, I answered the phone. “Hello, Mom? I just want to tell you I’m at the Krsna temple in Potomac, Maryland. I live here now.”
By Jnana Dasa on Science, ~Featured~
If we want to determine whether it is the theory of evolution or the theory of production that is scientifically more valid, we must test both against the fossil record. It is there alone that we will find concrete evidence of creatures that lived in bygone ages.
By BTG Editors on Gurukul
The main difference is that Krsna conscious children chant Hare Krsna and worship God throughout the day. As a result, they become relieved of all sorts of psychological problems and can work with an alert mind.
By Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami on Festivals
At Fifty-ninth Street and Fifth Avenue the chariots are waiting. Forty feet high with spires atop. I bow to the statue of Srila Prabhupada which sits on an elegant throne in the second chariot.