Back To Godhead November 1976 PDF Download

This issue of Back to Godhead magazine features an article glorifying the name of God in any language, the transcendental trends in science and Lord Varaha.
By BTG Editors on PDF
This issue of Back to Godhead magazine features an article glorifying the name of God in any language, the transcendental trends in science and Lord Varaha.
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Prabhupada, ~Featured~
In any language, isn’t communicating what we really care about? And in any spiritual process, isn’t God consciousness all that really counts?
By BTG Editors on Chanting
Devotees chanting Hare Krishna in New York’s Central Park.
By BTG Editors on News
Concepts of the self, duty, personal attainment, and self-reliance—all facets of a world germane to Emerson and Thoreau and their contemporaries—now become clear in this rich edition.
By Dharmadhyaksa dasa on ISKCON
Sudama Svami recalled theater had come up at his first meeting with Prabhupada, “I love to sing and dance.’ “Very good. You can go all over the world and present Krishna conscious theater.”
By Damodara dasa on Science, ~Featured~
“Dr. Newton,” the man stared, “who made this wonderful contraption? The planets move with utter precision, you know. Why, it’s ingenious. Who made it?” “No one,” Newton replied. “One day last week it simply appeared here.”
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Krishna, ~Featured~
Diti felt pressed by Cupid, and she caught hold of Kasyapa’s clothing, just like a shameless prostitute. Unable to dissuade his wife, Kasyapa resigned himself to his fate and lay with Diti in a secluded place.