“Hearing is the beginning of understanding.”



The most potent method for self-realization in this age is to hear the transcendental sound vibration of Krsna’s name and glories from the lips of a pure devotee. The International Society for Krishna Consciousness is now making this sound available in a wonderful new series of Krsna conscious cassette recordings.

Available from:


3764 Watseka Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90034

Songs of the Vaisnava Acaryas. Chanted by His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada to the accompaniment of tambura, mrdanga drum and harmonium, these songs by the great spiritual masters in the disciplic chain reveal the essence of pure devotional service. Includes spoken translations and elaborate purports. 5 C-60 stereo cassettes (SP8-12) each: $3.00/ complete set: $14.50

Srimad-Bhagavatam Series.
Classes by Srila Prabhupada on India’s most advanced text of spiritual knowledge. Includes chanting of the Sanskrit mantras and elaborate, enlightening explanations of each verse. 8 C-90 stereo cassettes (SB2: 1-8)/ each: $4.00/ complete set: $30.00

The Yoga System.
The complete explanation of the sacred instructions of eightfold yoga revealed in Bhagavad-gita. 7 C-60 cassettes (BG 6.1-7) each: $3.00/ complete set: $20.00

Ecstatic Chants of the Hare Krsna Movement. The Hare Krsna mantra and selected transcendental prayers and songs chanted in praise of Krsna. Recorded live in New York, Boston, Los Angeles and New Delhi. 6 C-90 and C-60 stereo cassettes (KT 1-7) each: $3.00/ complete set: $20.00

THE MESSAGE OF THE SPIRITUAL MASTER. Songs and Lectures by His Divine Grace.

The Hare Krsna Mantra. C-90 stereo cassette (SK-0): $4.00

The Govinda Album. C-90 stereo cassette (SK-1): $4.00

Prayers for the Mercy of Krsna (the Vande ‘Ham Record Album). C-90 stereo cassette (SK-2): $4.00

Arrival of the Pure Devotee. C-60 stereo cassette (LA72-1): $3.00

Reviving our Eternal Consciousness. C-60 stereo cassette (LA72-2): $3.00

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