Searching for the Real Self, Part 2

VedicViews on Western Thinkers Carl Jung (1875 -1961) Psychologist Carl Jung felt he had searched for his real self in past lives but had “not fulfilled the task” and never would. (A discussion with His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.) Hayagriva dasa: Carl Jung once asked himself this question: “Have I lived before in […]

Removing the Bewildered Condition

Removing the Bewildered Condition

The individual soul needlessly accepts material body after body to enjoy in assorted avenues of sense gratification within the material world. Ignorant of his true nature, he becomes attracted by ever-changing material forms and seeks to enjoy them.

KRSNA Is Nondifferent From His Name

KRSNA Is Nondifferent From His Name

Krsna consciousness is the perfect process for solving all the problems of life because it can at once end our illusory separation from Krsna, the Supreme Lord. Krsna is present everywhere, even within the atom and within the heart of every living creature.

Introducing Ourselves to a Nation

Mr. Susskind: A particularly colorful group, often seen dancing and chanting in the major cities of this country—New York and Chicago and Detroit and Pittsburgh—is called the Hare Krsna movement. Because their names are extremely difficult to pronounce, I’m going to ask my guests to introduce themselves. What is your name? Rupanuga: My name is […]

Back to Godhead Vol 45, 1970-1973 PDF Download

Back to Godhead Vol 45, 1970-1973 PDF Download

Back to Godhead is about Krsna (pronounced “Krishna”), the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Krsna is a Sanskrit word meaning God, the All-Attractive. Our magazine is intended to bring a revival of God consciousness to people of modern civilization, most of whom have forgotten what God is or who think God to be dead, impersonal or […]