The Guru: Via Media to God

Whether the guru is a genuine avatara must be determined through the sastras. An incarnation never says, “I am an incarnation.” Nor does an avatara canvass for students. Because of his superior qualities, he is automatically accepted.

The Magic of a Real Guru

The Magic of a Real Guru

The foremost qualification of a guru is not that the guru establish his superiority (whether by magic tricks or whatever) but that he establish the superiority of God and be able to arouse the dormant love for God in the hearts of others.

Srila Prabhupada’s Initiation

Srila Prabhupada’s Initiation

Abhay considered Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura his spiritual master from the time of their first meeting in 1922, but business and family commitments kept Abhay from participating full-time in Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati’s mission to spread Krsna consciousness.

Remembering Srila Prabhupada

Some personal recollections by his disciples. In January or February of 1971, Srila Prabhupada wrote us from India. He said that in April he would be coming back to America and would visit our Boston temple, where I was president. So we booked a beautiful suite for him in the Sheraton-Boston Hotel and cleaned the […]

Finding a Genuine Guru

Finding a Genuine Guru

You have to surrender to the guru, but not blindly or sentimentally. First you should study him carefully to find out whether he has the qualifications spelled out in the Vedic literature.

Light of my Life

Light of my Life

Srila Prabhupada you are fulfilling Lord Gauranga’s wish. Without discrimination you distribute the contents of the storehouse of transcendental love.