Haridasa Thakur: Namacarya

Haridasa left the home of his kinsmen not out of religious sentiment nor out of disgust for their ignorance of spiritual matters. He left wholly out of love for the Supreme Lord because that was his natural position. Haridasa displayed in full the consciousness of an uttama-adhikari.

Prayers to the Six Goswamis

Prayers to the Six Goswamis

I offer my respectful obeisances unto the six Goswamis, named Sanatan Goswami, Rupa Goswami, Raghunath Bhatta Goswami, Raghunath Das Goswami, Jiva Goswami and Gopal Bhatta Goswami, who are always engaged in chanting the Holy Name of Krishna and dancing.

The Meaning of “Prabhupada”

The Meaning of “Prabhupada”

The word Prabhupada signifies a great saint even among saints. The word has two meanings: first, one at whose feet (Pada) there are many Prabhus (masters). The second meaning is one who is always found at the Lotus Feet of Krishna (the Supreme Master).

The Passing of Bhisma

The Passing of Bhisma

Bhisma was such a fierce and skillful fighter that he was virtually invincible; only by a trick was he mortally wounded. Now, in recognition of his exalted position and his profound devotion to Lord Krsna, many great saints and sages have also gathered to hear his last words.

The Difference between Cheaters and Teachers — Notes from the Editor

How To Tell the Difference Between the Cheaters and the Teachers There have always been cheaters posing as gurus. Many thousands of years ago, the demon Ravana dressed himself as a svami to win an audience with Sita, the wife of Lord Ramacandra (an incarnation of Lord Krsna). Ravana kidnapped Sita, but Lord Ramacandra killed […]

Message of Bhaktivinoda Thakura

Message of Bhaktivinoda Thakura

The Personality of Godhead Sree Krishna informed Uddhava that neither good works even without any desire for fruitive action, nor spiritual knowledge, nor the system of caste and creed nor the studies of scriptures, nor penances, nor even renunciation can satisfy Him, as do the devotional activities themselves.

Message of His Divine Grace Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaja

Message of His Divine Grace Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaja

I advise all to preach the teachings of Rupa-Raghunath (disciples of Lord Chaitanya) with all energy and resources. Our ultimate goal shall be to become the dust of the lotus feet of Sree Sree Rupa and Raghunath Goswamins. You should all work conjointly under the guidance of your spiritual master with a view to serve the Absolute Knowledge, the Personality of Godhead.

The Passing of Haridasa Thakura

The Passing of Haridasa Thakura

If you visit the town of Puri on the Bay of Bengal, you will find, amid palm trees and small houses, a stone shrine marking the place where the great saint Haridasa Thakura sat alone or with a devotee companion and worshiped Krsna.