The Appearance of Lord Caitanya

The incarnation for Kali-yuga is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is also called Gauranga or Gaurasundara because of His golden hue. His complexion is golden, and His activities engage everyone in chanting Hare Krishna.
The incarnation for Kali-yuga is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is also called Gauranga or Gaurasundara because of His golden hue. His complexion is golden, and His activities engage everyone in chanting Hare Krishna.
An excerpt from Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, A new translation, with purports, by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
It was at Sridhama Mayapura, almost five hundred years ago, that the Supreme Lord descended to this world as the great teacher Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu to propagate the chanting of
Lord Caitanya predicted almost 500 years ago that Krishna consciousness would spread to every village and town in the world. Now His prediction is coming true. Hare Krishna conscious devotees from all over the world are seen during their yearly pilgrimage to Lord Caitanya’s birthplace.
The whole world of science and technology is running on the false idea that life is born from matter. We cannot allow this nonsensical theory to go unchallenged. Life does not come from matter. Matter is generated from life.
The Buddhists began to chant the holy names of Krishna, Rama and Hari in unison. Soon the Buddhist scholar regained consciousness and also began to chant the holy name of Lord Hari, much to the astonishment of the onlookers.
The African mission is the same as everywhere in the world: to go out and present Krishna consciousness and to convince people that Krishna conscious is the solution to their problems.
ISKCON devotees from Atlanta purchased a 250-acre farm in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains of southern with beautiful green hillsides for pasturing the cows.
I can understand the importance you place on the exalted science of bhakti-yoga and on receiving knowledge through an unbroken chain of spiritual masters, but is there no room for other methods, other religions and other gurus?
The story of how the Hare Krishna movement came to Africa starts in 1971 in the United States when I received a letter from my spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, instructing me to go immediately to West Pakistan for preaching work.
The following eight principles are the basis of the Krishna consciousness movement. We invite all of our readers to consider them with an open mind and then visit one of the ISKCON center to see how they are being applied in every day life.
This issue features a photo article on Krishna consciousness coming to Africa, a comparison of modern science to a frog in a well and an excerpt from the then upcoming Sri Caitanya-caritamrta describing how Lord Caitanya defeated the Buddhists.
Two recent court decisions confirming ISKCON’s right to conduct its public programs have increased the scope of the Society’s activities.The judge declared that the thirty devotees going to the fair would not inhibit the flow of the 1.5 million visitors expected.
Coming before Gopala, the elderly brahmana said, “My dear Lord, please witness that I have given my daughter to this boy.” In India the custom is to honor any promise made before the Deity. Such a promise cannot be canceled.
One morning we suddenly came upon a particularly beautiful spot. The cool sands were thick with foliage; the tall trees full of singing birds. As the sun brightened the clear morning sky, peacocks filled the air with their peculiar call.
ISKCON has established fourteen successful farming communities. ISKCON’s farms flourish and grow, proving that the Krishna consciousness movement is providing not only potent spiritual knowledge, but a viable alternative lifestyle as well.
Everything should be done on the basis of love. Strictness is not very good. The students should act automatically, out of love. That is wanted. Superficially, strictness may be necessary—if they don’t follow they’ll be reprimanded. But they should develop the idea of love.
Gurukul students will be the best educated children in society. Not only will they have knowledge of math and English and history, but they’ll also know their relationship with God. They won’t need material things to keep them happy. They’ll be very strong.
Why are women designated as inferior? If she wishes, a woman can be an author, a scientist, or a theologian. I fail to see how this kind of discrimination can occur in a text of such high, holy wisdom. Can you explain it to me?
Even in the so-called normal condition, the pleasure derived from sexual intercourse is simply frustrating and insignificant. For ordinary men attached to the materialistic way of life, their only pleasure is sexual intercourse.