Back To Godhead June 1981 PDF Download

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Devotees of Lord Krsna on board the Sri Jaladuta II bring the message of Lord Krsna to the Hawaiian Islands. The fifty-three-foot teakwood ketch, a donation from a well-wisher impressed by the concept of a floating temple, made an eighteen day Pacific voyage under the captaincy of Narahari dasa, president of the Honolulu Krsna center. "At night,'' Narahari relates, " I would gaze out over the ocean and reflect on how insignificant we are in this vast creation, and how fortunate we are to have the shelter of Lord Krsna 's holy name ..."
Devotees of Lord Krsna on board the Sri Jaladuta II bring the message of Lord Krsna to the Hawaiian Islands. The fifty-three-foot teakwood ketch, a donation from a well-wisher impressed by the concept of a floating temple, made an eighteen day Pacific voyage under the captaincy of Narahari dasa, president of the Honolulu Krsna center. “At night,” Narahari relates, ” I would gaze out over the ocean and reflect on how insignificant we are in this vast creation, and how fortunate we are to have the shelter of Lord Krsna ‘s holy name …”
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
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