Ratha-yatra, “The Festival of the Chariots,” an ancient celebration held annually in India, has now become popular in cities around the world. Here, on Fifth Avenue, while thousands view the parade with pleasure and curiosity.
By speculation Aristotle may have known something about God, but our point is that we can know everything about God from God Himself. This is not a question of “religion.” It is simply a matter of the best process to know God.
For thousands of years devotees of Lord Krsna have journeyed to Jagannatha Puri in India to take part in the annual celebration called Ratha-yatra, “The Festival of the Chariots.”
Though some of the New York disciples had objected, Srila Prabhupada was still scheduled for the Mantra-Rock Dance at the Avalon Ballroom. It wasn’t proper, they had said, for the devotees out in San Francisco to ask their spiritual master to go to such a place.
Recently at the Bhaktivedanta Manor, the country asrama of the Krsna consciousness movement near London, devotees installed the Deity forms of Lord Ramacandra (Krsna’s incarnation as a perfect king) and His consort, Srimati Sita-devi.
the largest number of new groups have come from India—so much so that the phenomenon can almost be considered a missionary movement from India to America.
Sex is the main happiness in this material world. That is the main happiness, and it is very abominable. What is this happiness? It is like the rubbing of two hands together to relieve an itch.
The spiritual love epitomized in the meeting of Radha and Krishna resembles the attraction between a young man and a young woman, it is generally misunderstood by those who try to fathom it without reference to the Vedic sastra or revealed scriptures.
The Sanskrit language is rich in words to communicate ideas about spiritual life, yoga, and God realization. This dictionary, appearing by installments in BACK TO GODHEAD, will focus upon the most important of these words.
The theory of evolution is only a reflection of a much broader philosophy—the philosophy of materialistic science. It is this philosophy that is the cause of many people’s rejection of any theistic religion and that must therefore be exposed as inferior to belief in God.
You should become a devotee of Krsna is that devotion to Krsna is your original nature. You and I—all of us—are eternal servants of God. But you have temporarily forgotten this.