Back To Godhead January & February 1981 PDF Download

Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, speaks Bhagavad-gita to His devotee Arjuna five thousand years ago at India’s sacred Kuruksetra plain.
By BTG Editors on PDF
Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, speaks Bhagavad-gita to His devotee Arjuna five thousand years ago at India’s sacred Kuruksetra plain.
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Prabhupada, ~Featured~
Maharaja Pariksit, the great king of the entire world, was cursed by a brahmana to meet death from the bite of a serpent within seven days. When he was informed of the curse he at once left his palatial home and went to the bank of the Ganges to prepare for his impending death.
By Yogesvara dasa on Preaching, ~Featured~
Our lines are jammed from midnight to 6 A.M. An important reason for the show’s success is that we touch on real issues and give practical solutions. We go into detail about everything from medicine to meditation, from international policy to the economy, abortion, and natural foods.
By Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami on Prabhupada Memories, ~Featured~
During the two months spent at 26 Second Avenue, Srila Prabhupada had achieved what had formerly been only a dream. He now had a temple, a duly registered society, full freedom to preach, and a band of initiated disciples.
By BTG Editors on News
The International Society for Krishna Consciousness has its first floating temple, a 53-foot teakwood ketch recently donated to Narahari dasa, president of the Honolulu Krsna center.
By Richard L. Thompson, Ph.D. on Science, ~Featured~
“Probability is the most important concept in modern science, especially as nobody has the slightest idea what it means.”—Bertrand Russell
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on War, Prabhupada
The atom bomb manufacturer is thinking he is successful in his life by building an atom bomb, but he does not know how to save himself from death. Nothing he has done can save him from death.
By Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami on Letters
There is a great need to distribute Krsna’s message. So a devotee can go on enthusiastically, even if not appreciated by the public, because he knows that by spreading Krsna’s message he pleases Krsna and works for the greatest benefit of all people.