Back To Godhead November 1980 PDF Download

The Divine Couple, Radha and Krsna, enjoy amorous pastimes in the spiritual realm Goloka. Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, lives eternally for the pleasure of Radha.
By BTG Editors on PDF
The Divine Couple, Radha and Krsna, enjoy amorous pastimes in the spiritual realm Goloka. Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, lives eternally for the pleasure of Radha.
By Madhudvisa dasa on Prabhupada, ~Featured~
Radha and Krsna are always engaged in loving affairs in the kunja, the groves of Vrndavana. Krsna is very dear to the gopis and the gopas. Vrndavana is a village and Krsna is always taking pleasure there on the bank of the River Yamuna.
By Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami on Prabhupada Memories, ~Featured~
Prabhupada announced that he would soon hold an initiation. “What’s initiation, Swamiji?” one of the boys asked, and Prabhupada replied, “I will tell you later.”
By Ravindra Svarupa dasa on Sex, ~Featured~
The illusion I want to destroy is perhaps the most deeply rooted and pervasive of all human convictions. It is the idea that we can achieve happiness through the enjoyment of our senses, especially through that prototype of all pleasure, sex and sexual love.
By Jnana Dasa on ~Featured~, How I came to Krishna
I finished the school year, bade farewell to my family, girlfriend, and other intimates, and set off for Japan to practice Zen in earnest.
By BTG Editors on News
Hare Krsna devotees recently took part in the gala floral parade celebrating Hawaii’s Aloha Festival. In tune with the festival’s theme (“Music, the International Language”), they chanted Hare Krsna.
By Yogesvara dasa on How I came to Krishna, ~Featured~
A million dollars and three dozen magazine covers later, Anne had wealth, fame, and apartments in most European capital cities. Anne Schaufuss had everything. Except, maybe, happiness.
By Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami on Religion
A regular occurrence around here is that each year the local newspaper carries an article commending us for our hard work and decency but condemning us for not being Christians. We always answer the criticism, and the paper prints our reply.
By BTG Editors on Temples
Things get started with some chanting of Hare Krsna. It’s a kind of meditation. The idea is to meditate on the sound. And if you decide to join along in the chanting too—well, so much the better.