New Vrndavana: The West’s First Krsna Conscious Community

You have New York, New England, and so many ‘New’ duplicates of European countries in the USA–why not import New Vrndavana in your country?
By Hayagriva dasa on Farm Communities, ~Featured~
You have New York, New England, and so many ‘New’ duplicates of European countries in the USA–why not import New Vrndavana in your country?
By BTG Editors on PDF
As a child, Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, almost daily fulfilled His promise that He would always protect His devotees.
By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Krishna, ~Featured~
Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that the actual identity of every living creature is that he is the eternal servant of God. If one thinks like that—”I am no one else’s servant: my business is to serve God.”—then he is liberated.
By Kirtanananda Swami on Poems
In the Seventh through the Twelfth chapters Krsna gives an elaborate description of the Supreme Personality Himself, His nature and manifestations.
By Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami on Preaching
Even if one has achieved great success in business, or has amassed great wealth, a nice family, fame, or any amount of worldly or mystical power, still dissatisfaction at the inner core of one’s being is liable to occur.
By BTG Editors on Temples, ~Featured~
The young children flock to the sound of the holy name and shout with clarity and volume, ‘Hare Krsna!’ The temple is packed on Sundays. Fijian girls dance joyfully to Hare Krsna. Krsna is so kind to us!
By Kurusrestha dasa Adhikari on Not this Body
From the highest planet in the material world, down to the lowest, all are places of misery, where repeated birth and death take place.