Modern Society Has No Brain

By natural arrangement, the social body has four divisions: the brain division, for guidance; the arm division, for protection; the belly division, for sustenance; and the leg division, for assistance.
By natural arrangement, the social body has four divisions: the brain division, for guidance; the arm division, for protection; the belly division, for sustenance; and the leg division, for assistance.
Matter is characterized as impermanent, by nature mutable. Soul, our true identity, is eternal. We should not cling to what is temporary. Even the universe will pass away.
Beginners in yoga should engage themselves in work for Krishna. It is difficult to keep the mind concentrated on the Super-soul without work. If a beginner tries to practice sitting in meditation, his mind will wander.
Obstinacy. Dog’s obstinacy. Now they are busy manufacturing various types of religious systems so that one may not have to surrender to Krsna. This is going on. Big, big swamis are saying, “Yes, whatever you manufacture, it is all right.”
Those who are engaged in the culture of nescient activities shall enter into the darkest region of ignorance. And further more than them are those who are engaged in the so-called culture of knowledge.
The complete whole Personality of Godhead is perfectly complete. And because He is completely perfect all emanations from His energy as this phenomenal world everything is perfectly equipped as a complete whole.
At a time when material science is predominating over all subjects including the tenets of religiosity, it will be a great enlivening matter if we can see the principles of Sanatan Dharma from the point of view of the modern scientist.
The Vedas and Acharyas are expert boatsman and a human body is compared with a favourable breeze which can help the boat reach the destination. With these facilities if a person does not utilize human life for self realisation, he must be considered as the killer of the soul.
A person who is interested in the matter of transcendental knowledge must therefore enquire into it directly and indirectly always in order to know truth which is all pervading.
The living being is perpetually going on performing this temporary measure of cleanliness but he has to remain unclean in the heart unless and until he takes to the devotional service of the Lord.
Human beings are meant to eat vegetarian food. The tiger does not come to eat your fruits. His prescribed food is animal flesh. But man’s food is vegetables, fruits, grains, and milk products. So how can you say that animal killing is not a sin?
That is rascaldom. Where is the accident? Nothing is accidental. Everything happens by cause and effect. The Bible says that in the beginning there was God, or the word of God. So God was there.
I request all my Vaishnava readers to read and hear with rapt attention the narration of Krishna Chaitanya as they are inculcated in the revealed scriptures.
Devotees who have thus developed the spontaneous love of God naturally have no motive behind the performance of their devotional services. Whatever they do for the satisfaction of the Lord has no ulterior motive save and except the satisfaction of the Lord.
Let that Lord known as the son of Shreemati Sachi Devi be transcendentally situated unto the heart of you all as He has appeared Himself by His causeless mercy in order to bestow the highest standard of illuminated transcendental mellow of His devotional service.
My concept of anti-matter is exactly what you call it anti-material. Technically it may be that I could not express the exact word used by the physicist but I have tried to explain the word anti-matter in the light and sense of what you say as anti-material which is spirit.
Rasa is psychologically described as a sense perception. But the sense perception which we experience in our material conception of life, is a perverted reflection of the reality.
“Russia’s well known professor of astronomy Boris Vorontsov-Velianino said that there must be an infinite number of planets in the universe inhabited by beings endowed with reasons.”
Let this ocean of nectarine mellow of devotional service be always the source of eternal pleasure of my Lord Who has His eternal body and Who is represented by spiritual master known under the name of Sri Sanatan Prabhu.
Every limb of the body must cooperate with the stomach. If the finger thinks, “I shall remain independent and be happy,” that is not possible. The stomach must be supplied food, and then all the other parts of the body will be happy.