On “Brainwashing” Last October a Queens, New York, grand jury leveled charges of extortion and “imprisonment through brainwashing” against New York ISKCON Temple President Adi-Kesava Swami. In mid-February of this year, one month before State Supreme Court Justice John J. Leahy threw the case out of court, Adi-Kesava traveled to ISKCON’s temple in Mayapur, India, […]
In a proclamation issued June 23, 1975, Mayor Joseph L. Alioto established July 20 as “Ratha-Yatra Day” in San Francisco. Ratha-Yatra is a large festival sponsored in San Francisco and many other cities and countries by ISKCON.
Scholars and librarians are falling in love with Prabhupada’s books. The libraries of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Swarthmore and dozens of other major universities have placed standing orders for for all the volumes published and all those yet to come.