The Great Soul Who Walks Among Us
Swamiji has said that what is important is sincerity. Not the rules and regulations, but sincerity. To the sincere devotee, Krishna from within the heart reveals, and everything is taken care of.
Swamiji has said that what is important is sincerity. Not the rules and regulations, but sincerity. To the sincere devotee, Krishna from within the heart reveals, and everything is taken care of.
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami once explained the transcendental situation of father-and-son: You have accepted me as father, so I have also accepted you as my dear and real son. This relationship of father and son on the spiritual platform is real and eternal.
Bhaktivedanta Swami was the inheritor of a revitalized Caitanyaite tradition as it came down from Bhaktivinoda and Bhaktisiddhanta. He was born in Calcutta in 1896 and received an English education at Scottish Churches’ College in Calcutta.
I’ll never forget the first night I went to see Prabhupad. Four of my friends were sufficiently interested to attend his “class.” When we began chanting the Hare Krishna Mantra for the first time that July night, I was reminded of the services of the monks up in Hardwar.