The Absolute Truth in His Supreme Feature is ‘Purushottam’ or the Personality of Godhead. Impersonal ‘Brahma’ and localised super-soul ‘Paramatma’ features are His hazy and partial realisation, although ‘Brahma,’ ‘Paramatma’ and ‘Bhagwan’ are one and the same Absolute Truth.
“Back to Godhead” is published fortnightly to enlighten leaders, religionists, philosophers and people in general on Rational Theism. It is not blind religious fanaticism but it is scientific approach to the matter of our eternal necessity.
My dear boys and girls, I thank you very much for joining us on this Rathayatra Ceremony. I am going to sing an Indian song and then I will explain it. Even if you don’t understand the language of the song, still, if you kindly hear patiently, the sound vibration will act.
You have been reading my paper ‘Back to Godhead’ for some time and certainly you might have formed some opinion about it. Some of my learned readers have already sent their valuable suggestions and opinions about it and I shall be glad to receive your opinion.
Each and every letter of the Vedanta Philosophy is a symbolic representation of transcendental sound represented by the symbol of ‘Omkar’ and as such Vedanta Philosophy has to be learnt from one authority like Shri Krishna, the Godhead.
This is a book written in Hindi as the autobiography of Shri Nagarji. The most interesting part of the book is that one can enjoy in it the pleasure of reading a fiction or novel by reading this autobiography of a successful householder in fact.
Every living being is ambitious to have the topmost level of enjoyment in the material world and yet he is always unhappy here. This unhappiness is present in all the above mentioned planets in spite of long life and standard of comfort.
Persons who seek happiness in the chain of hope against hope by sense gratification try to accumulate wealth by unlawful means. Everything is accumulated unlawfully because everything that we have all belongs to the Supreme Lord.
Ordinary people are after the happiness of sense enjoyment. The seekers of knowledge are after the happiness that comes from negating sense enjoyment. But real enjoyment is the happiness of devotional service to Krsna.
One who desires to go back to one’s eternal home and back to Godhead may adopt the following recognised and authoritative devotional activities in order to train oneself to be eligible to enter into the transcendental realm, the eternal kingdom of God.
The impure consciousness of nationalism has kept all the big heads of world nations always active for an adjustment of everyone’s national interest. They have now made a united nation’s security council and trying in vain to make a right adjustment.
Your duty is to keep me constantly with you throughout your thoughts, speeches and actions. They do their duty who, sincere in their faith and love, surrender to me, guided by the implicit belief in my Divinity as Baba.
Irresponsible people ask, Where is God? Can you show me? If for attaining a temporary false sense of liberty in this material world so much labour and sacrifice have to be requisitioned is it possible to see Godhead–The Absolute Truth so cheaply?
Very difficult yoga processes promise mystic powers, heavenly enjoyment and even temporary liberation from birth and death. Can a simpler process offer more?
An ordinary typewriter cannot work automatically; it requires an operator to push the buttons. Then how can this big machine of the material nature work without an operator? What is this nonsense!
The Bhagwat Geeta asks every big man perfect his life with the teachings of Bhagwat Geeta and then set himself as an example for the benefit of the people in general.