People chant Hare Krishna for lots of reasons. Some people are just curious. Some want material benefits, or relief from anxiety. But the best reason to chant Hare Krishna is to get to know Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
The cover of this month’s Back to Godhead Magazine features a painting of Radha and Krishna showing the exalted relationship between the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His consort Srimati Radharani.
Accompanied by the cowherd boys and Balarama, Krishna brought forward the cows and played on His flute throughout the forest of Vrindavan, which was full of flowers, vegetables, and pasturing grass.
Vrindavan is bounded on three sides by the Yamuna River. The slow-moving cows look like ancient sages silently meditating as they chew. Parrots decorate the trees, cascading pleasant songs into your ears, while peacocks in great abundance strut impressively and display their train of regal feathers.
According to the 1973 United States Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, only in the last twelve weeks of pregnancy does the growing fetus have a right to live despite the mother’s wish to abort him.
Today’s wars are brought about by the political desires of the leaders. An ordinary leader cannot kill and claim he has God’s sanction. However, in the Gita Krishna is personally instructing Arjuna to kill.
For the anti-material particle, which is the vital force, there is never birth nor death. Nor, having once been, does it ever cease to be. It is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval. When the material body is annihilated, the anti-material particle is never affected.
Communism can’t work the way Karl Max outlined in his famous Manifesto. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada explains why Krishna, not the state, must be the center of a truly perfect and classless society.
The sound of Hare Krishna is so enriching that a whole culture has been founded on it. The people who chant Hare Krishna are developing good character. There is, then, a special quality to the sound of Hare Krishna. What is it?
The following eight principles are the basis of the Krishna consciousness movement. We invite all our readers to consider them with an open mind and then visit one of the ISKCON centers to see how they are being applied in everyday life.
Krishna was very expert in playing the flute, and the gopis were captivated by the sound vibration, which was not only attractive to them, but to all living creatures who heard it.
The Bhagavad-gita speaks of reincarnation. Why can’t we remember our past lives?The Bhagavad-gita speaks of reincarnation. Why can’t we remember our past lives? We forget our past lives in the same way that a person with amnesia forgets his past.
Public chanting of the holy names of God is now commonplace in the streets of cities throughout the world, and Lord Caitanya’s famous prediction, “In every town and village the holy name will be sung,” is quickly being fulfilled.
He’s probably logged as much flight time as any other traveling emissary. Prabhupada has circled the globe twelve times visiting his ISKCON centers, lecturing and insuring a high standard of spiritual life among his disciples.
Every day each family puts their supply of milk into one big pot with a fire under it and takes out as much as they need for drinking and cooking that day. At night, whatever milk is left is converted into yogurt,
The BBT is proud to announce the completion of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta. This classic presents the life and teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who initiated the Hare Krishna movement 500 years ago.
If Krishna is at the center of society, then people will be perfectly secure and prosperous. The communist idea is welcome, provided they replace the so-called state with God.
Muhammed said, “Glorify the name of your Lord, the most high.” Saint Paul said, “Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.” Lord Buddha declared, “All who sincerely call upon my name will come to me after death.”