Krsna revealed Himself on earth five thousand years ago to attract conditioned souls away from the ephemeral pleasures of this material world and back to the eternal, spiritual pleasure of devotional service to Him.
I have come to England especially here to your home to explain Krsna consciousness. It is very beneficial. You are intelligent boys. So my request to you is that you try to understand this Krsna consciousness philosophy with all your powers of reason and argument.
Srila Prabhupada’s message to the world was not one of artificial renunciation but of devotion. Whatever you may be—family man, businessman, professional—add Krsna to your life and be happy. Business, after all, is an essential element of society.
the film takes us on a world tour of the activities of the devotees today: publishing, illustrating, and distributing Krsna conscious literature in Paris; congregationally chanting the names of God in London; portraying Krsna’s pastimes through art, dance, music, drama, and sculpture.
In India many men are already unemployed, so to introduce more machinery there is a not a very good proposal. One hundred men’s work can be done by one man working a machine. But why should there be so many men unemployed?
“All reputable evolutionary biologists now agree that the evolution of life is directed by the process of natural selection, and by nothing else.” With these words Sir Julian Huxley summed up the consensus of learned opinion at the Darwin Centennial Celebration in 1959.