
Dear Editor, In my opinion, the name “Rama” is a symbol of standard ethics and principles. When Lord Rama ruled the earth. His life was an excellent example of human behavior toward parents, family, public, friends, and subjects. He revealed the best possible integration of human virtues. His universal affection, prideless sacrifice, and matchless humane […]

The Gifts of His Divine Grace

The Gifts of His Divine Grace

Wherever Srila Prabhupada went, on fourteen journeys around the globe, he constantly spread the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra, and when he finally departed he was surrounded by disciples from around the world, loudly chanting these names of God he had given them.

Finding a Genuine Guru

Finding a Genuine Guru

You have to surrender to the guru, but not blindly or sentimentally. First you should study him carefully to find out whether he has the qualifications spelled out in the Vedic literature.

Whose Worship is Idol Worship?

Whose Worship is Idol Worship?

Some hesitate to join the Ratha-yatra parade, remembering God commands, “Thou shalt not worship a graven image.” What about this? Are the Hare Krishna people really idol worshipers?

Who is that Girl with Krishna?

Who is that Girl with Krishna?

When people see a picture like the one you see here, they often ask, “Who is that girl with Krishna?” The answer is that She is Srimati Radharani, Krishna’s pleasure potency.

Letters to Back to Godhead

Perhaps I misunderstand you, but I feel saddened when it appears to me that you espouse Krishna consciousness as the only path to the realization of God and, moreso, when you denounce as less worthy other philosophies which in fact differ only in aspect and reach the same ultimate goal.