Chant and be happy


Mrs. Sally Rawley, merchandiser: “When I’m nervous I find chanting very calming. I don’t get shaken up at little things.”

Bruce Kleinberg, executive secretary chanting Hare Krishna
Bruce Kleinberg, executive secretary: “Chanting helps you see things in perspective. My outlook is a lot brighter.”

June Lahner, jewelry designer, with son Jason chanting Hare Krishna
June Lahner, jewelry designer, with son Jason: “Chanting makes me more perceptive, more in harmony with everything and everyone around me.”

Dr. Donald R. Tuck, associate professor, Western Kentucky University chanting Hare Krishna
Dr. Donald R. Tuck, associate professor, Western Kentucky University: “I’ve noticed that as chanted progress from level to deeper level, they become more realistic, more tolerant.”

Paul Bleier, printing executive chanting Hare Krishna
Paul Bleier, printing executive: “When there’s pressure, I chant. It’s the one thing that charges my batteries. It clears my mind and brings me back in focus.”

Mrs. Grace Acqulstapace, housewife chanting Hare Krishna
Mrs. Grace Acqulstapace, housewife: “I’m more openminded. Chanting has opened my eyes to things I never noticed. It’s like beautiful music—a very peaceful feeling, very satisfying.”

Stephen Farmer, health food store owner on chanting Hare Krishna
Stephen Farmer, health food store owner: “If I start my day on a spiritual note by chanting Hare Krishna, I can make it through the day in a pleasant mood.
Melboune Hare Krishna Temple and devotees 1976.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Anyone can chant the Hare Krishna (Huh-ray Krish-na) mantra, anytime, anywhere. The main thing is to listen closely to the sound. Whether you sing it or say it, alone or with others, the Hare Krishna chant brings about joyful spiritual awareness. Chanting can work for everyone, and there’s no fee or initiation. If you’d like to meet other people who chant, visit any of the people who chant, visit any of the more than 120 centers worldwide (like the one in Melbourne, Australia, pictured above). See last page for addresses.

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