Lust and Love

Lust and Love

Maya, the illusory material nature, is duping people into accepting lust in place of love. Lust is what traps the living entities, who are spiritual by nature, in this material world.

Promiscuity’s Backlash

The free-wheeling sexual revolution is upwards of a decade old, and it seems there’s no going back. We’ve shrugged off the foolish and primitive shackles of sexual restraint and opened ourselves to progressive and liberating conceptions of male and female sexuality.

Sex is Only for Having Children

Sex life, according to the Vedic wisdom, is the greatest cause of material bondage because it is the greatest pleasure of material life. Therefore it must be restricted, and the restriction is to marry and to have sex only for the purpose of generating children.

Immortal Longings and Sex

Immortal Longings and Sex

The illusion I want to destroy is perhaps the most deeply rooted and pervasive of all human convictions. It is the idea that we can achieve happiness through the enjoyment of our senses, especially through that prototype of all pleasure, sex and sexual love.

The Problem with Homosexuality — Happy Liberation

“There’s a difficulty in homosexuality, as soon as it goes into a personal relationship, there’s a raging contradiction. You’ve got two proud roosters or two hens—and sometimes one of the roosters is forced to play a hen, or one of the hens is forced to play a rooster. It’s edgy.”