Rice—A Gift From Krsna

Rice, one of the oldest grains known to man, has throughout history been a staple in the diet of nearly three fourths of the world’s people, and it remains so today.
Rice, one of the oldest grains known to man, has throughout history been a staple in the diet of nearly three fourths of the world’s people, and it remains so today.
Milk, the miracle food, yields cheese, cream, yogurt, butter, and ghee. The essence of milk and the consummate cooking medium, ghee imparts such a refined, irresistible flavor that it’s earned the label “liquid gold” from those experienced in preparing Krsna’s cuisine.
Although the women’s liberation movement may offer some worth-while proposals, it generally ignores this highest goal. But by becoming Krsna conscious, a woman is liberated in this life and the next; so Krsna consciousness is the real women’s liberation movement.
A vegetarian cookbook by Yamuna-devi dasi. A disciple of Prabhupada for fifteen years, Yamuna learned many recipes directly from him. In addition, she spent four years in India studying the techniques and ingredients involved in Krsna conscious cooking.
Time has all but stopped in Navadvipa – or so you’d think, seeing the ancient-looking riverboats and temples. Five hundred years ago in this transcendental land. Lord Caitanya appeared and began His great spiritual movement.
Milk has been famous as a storehouse of nutrients since long before the health-oriented 1980’s began. Didn’t your mother tell you that the minerals in milk help build strong bones and teeth?
In the spirit of Srila Prabhupada’s voyage to America in 1965, devotees are bringing Krishna consciousness to the Hawaiian Islands on the Jaladutta II boat.
Sixty-five million people are on a diet at any given time in America. Millions are going on and off diets, losing weight, gaining it back, giving up, feeling desperate….
The gurukula students in Mayapur are preparing for their future roles in society by performing simple character-building austerities and cultivating qualities like honesty and compassion.
A mother-to-be ponders karma, reincarnation, and devotional service to Krsna. by Visakha-devi dasi When, one crystal-clear morning in January of 1982, my husband Yadubara and I first learned that we were parents-to-be, we had many of the usual questions first-time parents have. But since we were devotees of Krsna, the answers to our questions were […]
Betrayed by the Basic Four Four? Three? Whatever the count, a balanced diet should nourish not only the body but the spirit as well. by Visakha-devi dasi I remember how we learn about it in elementary school. Mrs. Pile had a colorful, authoritative chart divided into four sections—the Basic Four. Twenty-two young, innocent faces gazed […]
It so happens that 1971 is the year that Srila Prabhupada initiated me. He explained to me then that to become qualified to go back to Godhead, one must hear about Lord Krsna, chant His holy names and serve Him and His devotees.
From Pythagoras, Plato and Aristotle learned the doctrines of vegetarianism and continence, to which they both adhered throughout their long lives; and Aristotle taught these doctrines to his pupil Alexander the Great, who was a strict vegetarian.
If you had known Mr. Griesser in 1920 and then were to see him again today, after a lapse of fifty-eight years, you probably wouldn’t recognize him.
In Ancient India’s Vedic literatures we find a cosmic calendar that shows the cycle of ages—and how to break out of it. by Visakha-devi dasi How long we live greatly depends on what kind of body we have. For example, an insect might stay around for only a month, while a human being sometimes lasts […]
If there was ever a turning point in our lives, this month in Vrindavan must have been it. John had always been neutral on spiritual matters, but I was an avid atheist, so much so that I had converted some of my friends to my way of thinking.
For thousands of years devotees in India have known that we can personally see and serve the Lord in His Deity form. Now, to the Western mind this idea may seem unfamiliar, but it’s easy to understand.
Introducing people to Krishna is a full-time job for the members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. They chant Hare Krishna on San Francisco Bay and on Parisian boulevards, give out free pineapples
We milk the cows at two o’clock, and as soon as we’re done milking, we go into the temple and attend the morning functions. We’re busy all the time this way, and we don’t fall down to a mundane level.
This Age of Kali is an ocean of faults. But in this age there is one great advantage—simply by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, one can be freed of all material contamination.